Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fuck You Asus.

Told you I had no qualms with swearing.

The first Asus board I ever buy and it's shit.  I set up the RMA with Newegg for a replacement board only to find out that ground shipping to Newegg will be 3-5 business days (from today) so that puts out their receiving the p.o.s. to next week Tuesday at the latest, Monday at the earliest.  And then it's 3-5 business days for processing the return.  Which means they're probably going to asses the board and be all like "No, we dun wanna replace, you brokeded it urself."

So I called BestBuy today to see if maybe I can get a board faster.  I had them order and expedite one at the same cost of the Asus board.  And I'm getting the same type of board but just the Gigabyte brand instead.

I also got a hold of Newegg Customer Service and coaxed them in to changing my RMA from a Replacement to a Return.  Once I pushed hard enough, the lady was able to give me an in-store credit.

Well, now I've a $250 Newegg Gift Card.  Hopefully they don't revoke it when they come up with some explaination as to how I broke it.
I should have just stuck with MSI like I have since I started building computers.  Why did I want to switch?!  I couldn't explain.

From my last tech posting, remember when I said I was worried about the "crunching" or "tinking" noise I heard when I was clamping down the enclosure on the CPU cover?  Worries gone:

Ninjalane Instructions on Installing a 1366 Socket CPU

The last line on the second page says the following:  "Next swing the retention clip over the processor, and lock it into place with the latch.  You'll likely hear the pins being scrunched down during this process. The sound is normal."

Scrunching.  Sure, I can call it that, sounds about right.  Good.  I know I'm not crazy when I heard that.  I even checked the pins after I heard that sound and I had the thing clamped down all the way.  Nothing looked bent, so I assumed it was normal.

They need to put that shit in the manuals on these products.  "You will hear a slight scrunching, or metal twining, possible crunching noise when you clamp the CPU cage closed.  DO NOT BE ALARMED.  This is normal.  If it's any louder than a soft scrunching noise, then you're probably a fucktard and are doing it wrong, He-Man."

(He-Man is my universal reference to too-much-strength/force used.  Whenever something is closed too tightly and I cannot open it, I'll ask Luke [boyfriend] to come open it by saying, "Hey, He-Man, can you open this since you He-Man-ed it closed, please?"  Something like that.)

So HOPEFULLY I don't get another fucking lemon with the Gigabyte board.  What I've read on all brands of this model of board, regardless of edition or version, they're all having DRAM issues.  The specific model is for LGA Socket 1366, DDR3 RAM between 2200/1333/1066/800 speeds, and all contain SATA 6 GB/s connections (usually only 2) and 2 USB 3.0 connections.

Wish me luck.  I'll find out on Thursday/Friday when I get my new board from BestBuy.  *Crosses Fingers*

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