Friday, December 23, 2011

Star Wars: The Old Republic Review Part 1

I say "Part 1" because I'm only level 15 on my main character (I get distracted easily) and haven't truly experienced the entire game yet.

During beta over Thanksgiving and the first weekend in December, I got my Miraluka Jedi Consular/Shadow to level 20.  At level 10, you specialize into one of two advanced classes.  The Consular gets Sage and Shadow.  So of course, I went Shadow.

The game is superb.  BioWare has a history of making excellent RPG's but in terms of MMO's, this is their first venture.  And it's proving to be paying off.  They've taken all the excellent details from the myriad of MMO's on the market right now, and kept the more annoying aspects of an RPG out of the picture.

I can appreciate the necessity to "future"-proof the game and sticking with the sort of cartoony graphics.  The game will age better this way instead of looking like shit in two years.  They'll get 5-6 years out of it now, and then do a 2.0 release of the game around then to update the graphics engine.  So I'm totally okay with how it sort of looks a little on the cartoony side.

Game-play is smooth, combat is entertaining, and PC/NPC interaction is excellent.

I don't have much else to say about it other than I'm enjoying it.  Haven't played it a ton since I started early access, but I'll eventually get to it.

So far, I give it a 4/5, simply because I'm still having rubber-banding issues with my graphics ...

Update 01/06/2012:  My Jedi Consular is now level 31 and I haven't played her in about a week.  I'm busy again. -.-

Update 04/23/2012:  My Jedi Consular is level 39 and I haven't played the game in about 3 months, and I canceled my sub.  The game is incredibly boring to play at higher levels; the "coolness" of the quest dialogue wore off after about 200 quests, and I just started skipping shit.  I also didn't like the fact that I'd play for 3 hours and not gain a level.  Manually creating groups for flash points was dumb as hell.  And the Jedi Consular Shadow turned out to be not so much fun.

I probably won't go back until they allow addons, add a Looking for Group feature, and fix the Consular.