Monday, April 25, 2011

A Little Bit of Ice and Fire

I've started reading A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin.  Though I'm already some 250 pages in to Game of Thrones, I'm going to go back and recap the chapters I've read thus far.  I'll probably get this done some time this week.  What I'm finding straight away is that 1.) Characters don't last very long, 2.) The chapters are named by the character from who's point of view you're reading and 3.) These stories are accurate on a level of medieval happenings, e.g. political subterfuge and intrigue, rape, incest, infidelity almost to an obnoxious level, women have very little to no power at all, and little magic.  I was expecting more at this point, but since the Prologue, there has been none.

I have computer building duties this evening, so maybe I'll test the new beast out on how efficiently I can blog.  I may even add a Video Game/Computer Hardware review section ... Tech Corner?  Sounds good to me.

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