Friday, April 6, 2012

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

So I've cheated a bit in my reading habits.  While on vacation last weekend, I learned that all seven harry potter books are available as eBooks for most eReaders.  I bought all seven.  Couldn't resist.

For whatever reason, The Shadow Rising has gotten slow and boring.  I remember this happening the first time I read The Wheel of Time; around book 4 or 5, I took a break and read a few other things.

While in the hotel, I began reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.  I made some astonishing discoveries as I read through this book.

First of all, I noticed Rowling's writing style was very simple.  The entire book was a very simple read.  I think it only took me a total of eight hours over the last week  to read it.  I'm a fairly slow reader but, because I'm familiar with the story and Rowling's writing was fairly simple at this stage starting out, it was a quick read.

This is the first time I've reread Sorcerer's Stone.  And it was wonderful!  I thoroughly enjoyed reading it again.  It was very fun to think of all the little bits that were left out of the movie, and then there's so much foreshadowing of things that don't occur until the very last book.  When I read through Chamber of Secrets, I'm going to keep a little written journal near by to jot down notes of things as I go along.  I didn't have the chance to do that much with  Sorcerer's Stone.

I liked seeing how much more involved Harry was in the progression of the story.  He wasn't just reacting to things going on around him, he instigated a lot of things as well.  He also seems to have more lines in the book than the first movie (this changes over the course of the movies).  Harry's discoveries all through he book, as he learns about the true world to which he belongs is thrilling and heartwarming.  I love his courageousness and bravery and intellect.  Hermione's character, while bossy and somewhat obnoxious, is my favorite female character in the series.  And I very much enjoyed reading Fred and George's goofy scenes.  I'm very much looking forward to reading about them again.

It will be interesting to read each book, one after the other; when I first read them, only Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, and Prisoner of Azkaban were available.  Rowling was in the process of writing Goblet of Fire and waiting a year for that book was agony.  And then waiting for each book following was downright torture.  I remember reading the last book, 3 days straight, the summer after I moved in with Luke.

This book was so great to read again and I'm very excited to continue reading the rest of the series.  I will probably stop reading Wheel of Time after I complete Shadow Rising and write its review, so I can go straight through Harry Potter.  The best part is that Luke is reading them as well and I'm going to try to catch up with him.  He's on Prisoner of Azkaban so it shouldn't be too difficult.

See you on the flip-side.

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