Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Hand of the King -- Eddard/Ned

To keep my shit straight, all Eddard chapters will include his short name, Ned.

The King and his entourage have arrived in Winterfell ...


Immediately upon his arrival, Robert asks Eddard if he can be shown to the crypts to pay his respects.  It's been nine years since Eddard and Robert have seen each other and while Eddard admits to some change in his own physique, Robert has really let himself go.

Nine years ago, Balon Greyjoy (father to Theon, Eddard's ward) attempted a rebelion in the name of the rightful Targaryen king (who would be Viserys at this point).  I finally made the connection here that The Greyjoys are loyal to the Targaryens and Theon is a hostage.  (Yeah, I'm slow but can you blame me?  There's easily 20 important names in this book already).  Eddard and Robert put a swift end to that rebellion.

They go to the crypt, much against the wishes of Queen Cersei (who is a Lannister, remember that!), and we see a little bit about burial/death rituals/practices of the Starks.  It's pretty common crypts with tombs carved in the once-likeness of the bodies they hold.

Three tombs rest in the place Robert is interested in.  One, is Rickard Stark, Eddard's father, and the other two are Brandon and Lyanna, Eddard's brother and sister.  Aerys Targaryen strangled Brandon to death at the age of twenty.  Lyanna died of a fever, but after Rhaegar, Viserys and Daenerys' brother, had done something to her, what we don't learn.  But Robert killed him for it and his vengaence was not sated by this kill.

They lament over Lyanna some more and decide to head up.  Before going upstairs, Robert asks Eddard a very important question.  Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King, died as Eddard is very much aware and the true reason Robert ventured north to Winterfell was to ask Eddard to replace Jon.  Robert hates being king; he fully admits that obtaining the throne was fun, but sitting in it and maintaining it is quite literally a pain in the ass.

They also speak of Lysa, Catelyn's sister and Jon's widow, with whom Jon had a son, Robert (after King Robert).  They talk about how neither like the boy and Lysa alone in the Eryie and Robert says he offered Tywin Lannister the option to foster the boy.  Ned nearly spits and leaps on the chance to foster the boy instead.

I have a feeling Eddard Stark does not lik the Lannisters.  He definitely showed some distaste when Catelyn originally informed him the entire [Lannister] family would accompany Robert to Winterfell, and now with this mentioning of Tywin, he flips.  Yes, I'm quite positive the Lannisters are evil.

As they again attempt to leave the crypt, Robert mentions in a round-about way that Joffery, his son, and Sansa, Eddard's older daught, should be betrothed.  Eddard doesn't take this too seriously as the girl is only eleven, but he thinks on it anyway.

Eddard is torn between going south to be with King Robert as the Hand of the King or remaining in Winterfell where he feels he belongs.  And winter is coming ...

Robert's Arrival
So now we see the actual reason Robert has come to visit; he needs a replacement Hand.  And it's evident that Robert is not fit to be king.  At least, I do not see any kingly qualities about him.  He sleeps around a bunch (that's probably medievally accurate, but I don't give a rat's ass) and he has no respect for his wife, Cersei, who in turn doesn't appear to respect him much either.

I predict by the end of the book the following:
  • Robert is dead and Joffery is king with Sansa queen.
  • Eddard some how wiggles his way in to the throne, obviously after Robert is killed/dies of a heart attack because he's fat.

  • Both of them die because Cersei is a bitch and the Lannisters just sound like evil people.

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