Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This Has Nothing To Do With Books/Movies/TV Shows/Technology

It has everything to do with idiot fucking drivers.

I'm not even going to explain what the fuck happened to ruin my commute today.  I'll just post this link and say that it screwed EVERYTHING up:

Stupid Twat Garbage Man

That having been said, these rules should be taught in driver's education and these changes should be made to the laws on our roads:

1.)  DO NOT TAILGATE.  FOR WHATEVER REASON THIS MAY FASCINATE YOU, DON'T FUCKING DO IT.  It is NOT the proper way of telling someone they're driving too slowly for you.  If you're gaining on someone in the left lane that's not going fast enough for you, flash your brights a couple times.  That'll piss 'em off enough and they'll GTFO of your way.

2.)  PUT YOUR FUCKING CELL PHONES AWAY.  Not only that, put your news papers away, your maps, books, lattes, make-up, all of it.  AWAY.  As in, OUT OF YOUR REACH WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING.  Put both hands on the wheel, NOT at 2 and 10, but at 9 and 3.  This will give you optimal turning radius if you do have to avoid someone.   BUT YOU HAVE TO BE PAYING ATTENTION FIRST, DUMB ASS, so get rid of all distractions first.

3.)  Fix shit on your car that doesn't work.  ESPECIALLY YOUR BREAK LIGHTS.  Someone WILL rear end you because they couldn't tell you were stopping because your break lights were not working.  However, those people should refer to RULES 1 AND 2 because if they weren't tailgating and were paying attention, they would have had the time to realize you were stopping.  BUT STILL, mostly you're fault, only partly theirs.

4.)  THE LEFT LANE IS NOT FOR CRUISING ABOVE THE SPEED LIMIT.  It is for passing.  If people are driving too slowly for you, utilize the left lane to pass them, THEN GET BACK OVER.  There will, undoubtedly, be someone who wants to go 90 mph behind you.  Let them.  It's their ass on the line, not yours.  And don't DART in to the left lane when you see someone barreling down said lane, forcing them to slam on their breaks.  That's just stupid.  You wouldn't, bodily, jump in front of a speeding car, why would you put YOUR CAR, AN EXPENSIVE, DEPRECIATED PIECE OF MACHINERY, in harms way?

5.)  If you want to drive slow, GET THE FUCK OVER TO THE RIGHT LANE.  If you're going slower than EVERYONE else on the highway, speed the hell up.  You're a hazard.  You may think you're being safe, but you're really just causing more traffic because then EVERYONE has to pass you.

6.)  MERGE!  LEARN TO DO IT PROPERLY.  Don't expect to merge on to a major interstate, where people are typically going 65+, at 40 mph.  I know some on-ramps are short, but I don't care, punch that shit, and find a spot.  Nobody will let you on going that slow, except for idiots like me that are too nice and they slam on their breaks to accommodate your dumb ass.


Real 7.)  Stop tapping your breaks for no reason.  You just look like an idiot when you do that.  (Not to mention it causes a chain reaction behind you and makes everyone freak out unnecessarily).

8.) Stop cutting people off.  If you need to get over, speed up, don't break to get in behind people.  AND DON'T WAIT TO THE LAST EFFING MINUTE TO GET OVER FOR YOUR EXIT.  PLAN YOUR ROUTE AHEAD OF TIME AND GET OVER WELL IN ADVANCE.  If the right lane is going too slow for you, tough shit.  All you do is cause a hazard when you wait to the last effing minute and weave across 3 lanes and use the shoulder to take your exit.  If you have to do that, skip your exit, go to the next one, and learn the area well enough so you can use side streets to either go back in the opposite direction on the same high way and take your intended exit, or find side streets to the street on to which you wanted to exit.

That's all I can think of for people on the road.  Now for a new law/concept for the roads:

1.)  Get rid of speed limits.  Use speed advisories instead.  If people want to go 100mph, let 'em, Darwinism rocks.  (I don't want to hear the complaints that it puts everyone else at risk.  It doesn't.  "The overaall road traffic safety of German autobahns is comparable to and in some cases better than that of other European highways. According to the statistics collected by the International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group, there were 2.2 road user fatalities per billion vehicle kilometers on German autobahns in 2008. Neighboring countries with available data include Belgium (4.2 in 2007), the Netherlands (2.1 in 2009), Denmark (2.5), Austria (4.2), Switzerland (1.2), and France (1.8). Using the same statistic, 4.5 fatalities have occurred on US on motorways".  Sure, it's a Wikipedia quote, but I don't give a shit at this point.  Accurate enough for me.)

2.)  Weaving lanes (on ramps that are also off ramps) suck, redo them all.  I want to shoot the civil engineer who came up with that one.  And I'm pretty sure some municipality forced this civil engineer, at gunpoint, to develop a less expensive design for on/off ramps and he came up with that horse hockey.  It's outdated and doesn't accommodate for the incredible level of traffic that exists in most metro areas.

That's my new law and my new concept, too.  I don't have a problem with people that want to drive super fast.  I have a problem with people that weave in and out of traffic doing it, or drive really fast right up to someone's bumper as if that's going to make them move.  That wouldn't happen if people followed the above rules, and then the speed limits were done away with.  BUT PEOPLE HAVE TO FOLLOW THOSE RULES otherwise we can't get rid of speed limits.  Sure, there are other factors that cause traffic congestion, but I'm just touching on the points that piss me off.

And for the record, every time you read capitol letters above, I WAS SCREAMING AS LOUDLY AS I COULD.  <-- Yelling there too.



    Unfortunately though, we drive with morons every day. Morons named Katie that that have gone through 4 cars in 4 years and lost their license cause they got in so many accidents and had so many tickets. Cause they are retarded. And if we intelligent people enforced your logical and plausible road laws (which I completely agree with,) it would work great; for us intelligent people. But morons can fuck up even the simplest of things. Including only pass on the left. Trust me, they'd find a way to fuck it up and not only kill themselves, but take us out on the way. I know Germany does it and it works great for them. But we're dealing with a generally fucking dumber population here in the U.S. You can't expect the same results. It'd be nice. But we'd be getting our hopes up, because we let stupid people live. We HELP them live. We make it easier to be a fucking idiot and survive. Which makes me sad. I miss natural selection :(

  2. I try.

    Also, I just went on a rant in my psych class about natural selection and how it doesn't exist anymore. My teacher disagrees. And I'm like, HOOOWWWW?

  3. It only exists in the wild now..not amongst humans.

  4. First rule of merging onto the freeway.....NEVER stop. Every few weeks I come across some dumbass stopped at the end of the on ramp - holyshit you fail at life.

  5. Scott, it baffles me when I see people stopped or slowing down when trying to merge on to a highway from an on-ramp. There's a right way and a wrong way to be an aggressive driver. The proper way means using the accelerator to a reasonable degree to put the car where you want it. The wrong way is using the accelerator to an unnecessary degree (TAILGATING!) or using the breaks to an unnecessary degree (stopped at the end of the on-ramp, waiting for a spot you can ease in to at 20 mph).
