Thursday, August 18, 2011


Last Monday, I started the INSANITY workout training program.  It is a mix of cardio and aerobic workouts designed to get you into a "beach body" within 60 days.  The program is similar to CrossFit and P90X except there is no weigh lifting involved.  It's all stationary cardio and aerobic workouts, with some hopping around in a small area.  The best thing about it is that I can do it at home.  No need to go to the gym.  I'm not a weight lifter. I dislike lifting weights.  I feel dumb when I do it because I'm this tiny little girl with some flub of which I want to rid myself.

Monday was my fit test.  I basically do the warm up routine and write down the number of reps I can get in for each exercise.  I'll do another fit test in two weeks.

Tuesday was my first workout.  It's 40 minutes.  They start with the warm up routine, then rest for 30 seconds and then go in to a stretch.  Then they do a circuit between 6-8 different exercises, first at a slow pace.  After the circuit you get a 30 second rest.  Then you do it again at a medium pace, and stop with a 30 second rest.  Then you do it as fast as you can with as many reps as possible, again with a 30 second rest at the end.  Then they go in to another circuit of exercises of which you 3 rounds of with 30 second rests in between.  Each exercise is performed for 1 minute, so each circuit lasts between 6-8 minutes, with a total of 1 minute and 30 seconds for breaks for the entire exercise.  That brings the 3 rounds of the circuit to a total of 19 minutes and 30 seconds to 24 minutes and 30 seconds, depending on how many exercises are part of the days workout.  With the warm up, stretch, and two sets of 3 circuits containing 6-8 exercises, your heart is CONSTANTLY pumping, and within minutes you're dripping in sweat.

Yesterday was my second workout and was also 40 minutes but it was slightly different.  It was more cardio power with some resistance training in it, where as Tuesday was circuit training.  Needless to say, today, I am dead.  Thank god it's a rest day.  Well, a rest day but I have to do some yoga/stretch stuff that's part of the training.

Then I'll have workouts Thursday, Friday and Saturday, with a complete rest day on Sunday with no workout/stretch.  And then next week will be similar except without the fit test on Monday.  The week after will have a fit test on Monday.

I'm going to go sleep now ...

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