Thursday, January 26, 2012


I rented Moneyball a few nights ago from RedBox (thanks to NetFlix jacking up their prices, we got rid of our DVD sub) and thoroughly enjoyed it.

It was an expertly crafted movie, the music and cinematography screamed "contemporary", and the story captured the essence of Bill Beane's failed MLB career and his courageous efforts as the GM of the A's.

My only problem with this movie is Brad Pitt.  I've come to the conclusion that the man cannot act.  If he can, I can't tell, because he's TOO BUSY STUFFING HIS FACE IN EVERY GOD DAMN MOVIE HE'S IN.

He's either drinking something or chowing down on some food.  There was a scene Moneyball where it appeared he almost forgot that he needs to be eating and lunges for a bowl of popcorn and grabs a fist-full of it and stuff it in his mouth.

Besides that little annoying bit about Brad Pitt, the movie was excellent.  I give it 5/5.

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