Thursday, May 17, 2012

Diablo III - Fo Realz this time

I will be making regular entries documenting my progress, along with Luke's, through Diablo III.

Diablo III came out last Tuesday.  The release was bumpy and not very stable.  Blizzard ran in to a lot of issues and there was a period of about 4 hours of downtime Tuesday afternoon.  I have either some sort of cold, sinus infection, or severe allergic reaction to something, and so I went home early on Tuesday feeling miserable.  I figured Diablo III would perk me up.

Nope.  It was down the whole time, from the minute I got home, until right after we left to go to dinner at Luke's parents.

We played for a scant two hours on Tuesday night after dinner.  We also played for about an hour and a half last night.  I imagine we'll get several hours in tonight.

I started  Monk (like I knew I would) and Luke started a Wizard.  We got about three quarters of the way through the first sort of main quest to get to the Skeleton King and kill him.

WARNING: Spoilers ahead.  Stop here if you don't want to know any more.

The servers crapped out at 10:30 Tuesday night so we went to bed.  Last night we played through the Skeleton King and met The Stranger.  *dun dun dun*.

I'm almost positive The Stranger is Tyrael for two reasons:

1.) It sounds exactly like him


2.) He fell out of the sky.

Number 2 is important because of this prophecy from The Book of Cain:

And, at the End of Days, wisdom shall be lost
as justice falls upon the world of men.
Valor shall turn to wrath and all hope will
be swallowed by despair.
Death, at last, shall spread its wings over all
as fate lies shattered forever.

Let's pick that apart.  We know that the fallen star was a man.  That fits line 2 of the prophecy if we tweak it a bit:

... as Justice falls upon the world of men.

See what I did there?  Tyrael is the angel of Justice.  And, as the fallen star, he "[fell] upon the world of men" when he crashed in to the Tristram Cathedral.

What does that mean for the rest of the prophecy?  Well ...

Wisdom shall be lost ...

Malthael is the Angel of Wisdom and left the Angiris council when Tyrael destroyed the Worldstone.  Tyrael has since taken Malthael's place as the Angel of Wisdom (according to the Diablo wikia).  I'm not sure that is very accurate.  Seems odd.  The prophecy could be referring to the fact that Malthael has already gone missing, or it is referring to the fact that Tyrael, as the new Angel of Wisdom, has now essentially gone missing from the Angiris council as the fallen star.  It's probably both.

Valor shall turn to Wrath

I capitalize Wrath here because it makes it that much more significant.  Imperius, the Angel of Valor, is pissed at Tyrael, I've learned.  I'm almost positive that, instead of relying on his Valor and better judgment, Imperius let Wrath consume him and he kicked Tyrael out of the Angiris council.  He's still mad at Tyrael for destroying the Worldstone which leaves heaven and Sanctuary unprotected from hell.  It has also been suggested that Imperius may turn to Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, for help in eradicating the humans.

... and all Hope will be swallowed by Despair.

Auriel, the Angel of Hope, will succumb to despair and become the Angel of Despair.  Pretty straight-forward.  It has been suggested though that Andariel, Maiden of Anguis (related to Despair), might kill Auriel.

Death, at last, shall spread its wings over all

Malthael is also the Angel of Death besides the Angel of Wisdom.  He further loses his mind when he views the Chalice of Wisdom a possible future that might not be quite so nice.  He also abstained from voting originally in the first vote on what to do about Sanctuary, claiming that at the end of all things only he will prevail.  Well, yeah, at the "end of all things" the only thing occurring is Death.

as Fate lies shattered forever.

Itherael is the Angel of Fate and will die at the hands of Malthael.  Itherael carries a type of hourglass, as it is a symbol of his station, and that is where the "shattered" imagery might come from.

It is also possible that Adria is Lilith, the first demon that coupled with an Angel and created the Nephalem, ancestors to the humans.  That is separate from this prophecy though.

So the Angiris council is splitting apart at the seams.  And I know that later in the game we have to fight Tyrael the Stranger and Imperius.  I forget what acts.

Getting even more excited.  Going to play a lot tonight and the rest of the weekend.  Took tomorrow off.

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