Monday, February 11, 2013

A Clash of Kings

I finished this book back in December I think.

Sadly, I didn't get to this review soon enough.  I've forgotten most of what happened in this book.  When I try to think about it, I can recall the ending.  But other than that, the book was forgettable.

So yeah, just a little blurb on this book.  It was very slow leading up to the ending.  And even the ending fight was lackluster.  It was very sudden, this war that broke out at King's Landing between all of Lannister's loyal lords and Stannis Baratheon's army that is backed by the magic of Melisandre and her Lord of Light.

Again, other than the ending, the rest of the book was slow and boring.  Not much happened.  Lots of talk again.  There were some bits that I'm vaguely recalling about Jon and the wildlings in the north.  I think he's been taken in by them at the behest Halfhand.  Who he had to kill to prove he was giving up on the Night's Watch.

Oh well, the next book is shaping up to be just as slow, we'll see how it goes.

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