Monday, May 2, 2011

Breaking Fast and Slapping Faces

Tyrion Lannister is my favorite character.  This is why:


Tyrion is disturbed in his night-readings when a wolf continuously howls out in the darkness.  He leaves the library, thinking of eating breakfast, but only after waking the septon to replace the books and scrolls.

On his way out, he see Clegane and Joffrey down in the yard.  As he nears, he can hear Joffrey and Clegane talking about Bran and how he has been slow to dying.

Joffrey hands Clegane a longsword as he complains that the wolf is giving Joff the creeps.  Clegane suggests he kill the animal.  Joff makes a cute comment about sending a dog to kill a dog.  And how the Starks don't notice how Winterfell is so infested with wolves, they won't miss one.

Tyrion comes down from the last step and takes a jab at Joff.  Clegane does his typical "Who's that, the spirits?!" bit when Tyrion shows up, who happens to be in no mood for jokes.

After some words, and a couple slaps to the face, Tyrion send Joff packing to go speak with Lord and Lady Stark to offer his deepest apologize at the unfortunate events in regards to Bran.

Clegane tries to intimidate Tyrion, and he just laughs, asking where his brother is.  Clegane tells him he is having breakfast with his sister.

Tyrion takes his leave, shortly finding Jamie and Cersei.  Who I want to punch in the face.  The both of them.

They speak of Bran's condition as though it brings them great sorrow but I can see straight through that charade.  Tyrion orders up some tasty food,  (I want bacon now) and through Tommen entering the scene, Tyrion makes it known that Bran might live.  Maester Luwin thinks so at least.

Thank the fantasy writing gods that Martin had heart enough not to kill off another character, especially one so fun as Bran.

When Tyrion says this, however, he watches the reactions of Jamie and Cersei as opposed to the happy delight of the children.  A look, lasting no more than a second, passed between the two of them, and Tyrion saw it.

Tyrion definitely knows what's up.  I think he actually knows everything and Jamie and Cersei are dumb enough to think Tyrion an idiot due to his stature and physical appearance that they don't suspect him at all.

And after some prude comments that cause Cersei and the children to leave, Jamie points out how preverse Tyrion is.  Tyrion agrees, and then points out how he would be interested in Bran living to hear what he has to say.  Jamie accuses Tyrion of treason by simply stating his wonder at who's side Tyrion is on, and then Tyrion makes what I can only think is a sarcastic comment in regards to the fact that he loves his family dearly.

Joffrey is a jit and Tyrion rocks
At first, I thought Tyrion was a character Martin wrote as a form of distraction.  It is evident that Tyrion is way more important than that.  I'm fairly certain that Tyrion knows of Jamie and Cersei's relationship, as well as the parentage of Joffrey.

What baffles me is that Jamie and Cersei think nothing of Tyrion; if I had a twin and then a younger sibling who was deformed to a level of dwarfism that caused him to be constantly shunned, I'd fear him more than any of my own enemies.  Tyrion has had to make up what he lacks in stature in intellect and investigation; the man is so smart, but Cersei and Jamie are so incredibly stupid they don't even recognize what Tyrion's physical form has forced him to overdevelop mentally.

I'm keeping an eye on you, Tyrion.  While you're my favorite character, I trust you not.  I have a inkling that Tyrion is out for the Iron Throne himself.  And what better way to accomplish that by watching the competition eliminate themselves while he waits in the shadows for the perfect moment to strike.

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