Monday, May 2, 2011


Truly, the chapter feels like filler.  Not much happens so let's hop right to it.


Jon attempts to see Bran before he is to leave with Ben and Tyrion for The Wall.  When he arrives, he notes that he hadn't visited Bran since the fall because Lady Stark is always with him; she even sleeps on a hard bed in the same room.  But Jon wants to see Bran once before he leaves.

Jon enters and Lady Stark simply glares at him.  He admits that he wanted to see Bran once, to say good bye.

Catelyn's response is cold, telling him that he has already said it, so he can leave.

Jon doesn't take her bullshit attitude, and walks in the room.  Catelyn threatens to call the guards, and Jon tells her to do it, but she doesn't.  Jon gives Bran some encouraging words, gives him a quick kiss, and then attempts to leave.  Catelyn then says this:

"I wanted him to stay here with me ... I prayed for it ... He was my special boy.  I went to the sept and prayed seven times to the seven faces of god that Ned would change his mind and leave him here with me.  Sometimes prayers are answered."

Jon, out of true sincerity says "It's not your fault."

Catelyn, the bitch that she is, says "I need none of your absolution, bastard."

He shrugs and attempts to leave again.  Catelyn calls out to him, actually using his name, and Jon is surprised. But then she allows this defecation to dribble from her mouth:

"It should have been you."  Then she starts crying.

I don't like Catelyn much.  The only person she should be mad at is Ned for the resulting existence of Jon, and even then, she shouldn't be that mad anymore because it was nine years ago (I think) and they have moved on.  But she takes out more of the frustration she gets from Ned's unfaithfulness on Jon than anybody else.  And this is not fair for Jon at all.

Jon leaves after that, with a short good bye.  He runs in to Robb, they have a quick chat, and Jon then heads for Arya's room.  Arya is repacking her things since she had packed them improperly the first time, much to the Septa Mordane's dislike.  Jon says he came to see her to give her a present before he left.

He gives her a small long sword, much thinner and shorter than a regular longsword.  Arya is overly pleased, and takes it out to swing it about.  Jon jokes with her a bit, and then insists that she not tell Sansa, which she says in unison with him.  Jon is about to leave when Arya asks if the sword has a name, like her father's sword Ice.  Jon smiles and says "Can't you guess? ... Your very favorite thing."

In unison again, as Arya smiles, they both say "Needle!"

I liked Jon and Arya's sibling relationship.  It's sad to see them be separated now.  And I like the fact that Arya has a sword.  I'm hoping she becomes a formidable foe to someone, e.g. Joffrey ... maybe even Sansa.

Not much else to say about this chapter except that I dislike Catelyn.  She's so mean to Jon for little reason but that he's her husband's bastard.  Really immature; granted I don't blame her for disliking Jon, but that doesn't mean she has to treat him poorly.  Oh well, on to the next chapter.

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