Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Dragon Reborn

This book was one that I was really excited to get to and get through.

It was an excellent read (again) and I very muched enjoyed it.  I especially loved Mat.  Him and his quater staff and his dice.  I love his luck factor and how it comes in to play in just abou everyting he does.

Perrin's story, while not entirely action-packed, is fun to read as well.  Zarine a.k.a. Faile, his future wife, finds him and latches on to him immediately.  All three of the main male characters are quite dim when it comes to women.  And what makes that better is when Perrin wishes Rand were around to help him talk to a girl, or when Rand wishes Perrin were around to do the same for him.

Things are picking up.  The Aiel are crossing the spine and coming in to the wetlands again.  Their prophecies are fulfilled at the end of the book when Rand takes the Stone of Tear and claims Callandor, the sword wrought with the One Power, as his own.

Moiraine begins connecting pieces at the end of the novel, prophcies of the Aiel that she was unaware were important.  The sets up their adventure to the Aiel Wastes in The Shadow Rising.

On to The Shadow Rising.

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