Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Great Hunt

So I finished The Great Hunt a few weeks ago and totally forgot to review it.

Problem is, I don't remember what happened in The Great Hunt, specifically that some of the things I recall might have actually happened at the beginning of The Dragon Reborn.

I do remember Rand, Mat, and Perrin chasing after the Horn of Valere after it was stolen by Padan Fain.  Who also stole the Shadar Logoth dagger that Mat requires to be healed.

Long story short, everything sort of works out, in the end, but we learn that the Forsaken are loose.  I loved rereading about Selene (Lanfear) and how she kept egging Rand on to seize glory.  Rand's entire story line in the alternate universe was very interesting as well.  I liked the concept of this alternate universe that is tied to Tel'aran'rhiod.

Perrin's further development with the wolf dream and his abiliy to smell darkfriends (Trollocs and Fades) comes to the rescue when Hullin (I think that's his name) went msising with Rand because Rand channeled when they fell asleep next to a Portal Stone.

I can't remember anything specific that stuck out in this book that made me think "Holy shit, I totally remember this."  I did remember Egwene getting captured by the Seanchen and how horrible that experience was.  I realized I remembered it and pictured it very similarly as I did the first time I readit.

Awesome book, and I already finished The Great Hunt so time to review that one as well.

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