Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Act of Treason

I picked this up at random.  We had listened to part of it on the way up to Canada back in June, and listened to more on the way home.  We never finished it though.  Luke picked up the book from his mom and read it quite quickly.

After that, I decided to jump in.  I tried starting both the Kingkiller series and the Malazan series, neither of which were interesting to me when started.  Kingkiller starts out slowly, and Malazan dives right in with a shit ton of characters and names and I was immediately swimming in a sea of war and betrayal and paranoia (sounds like another series I gave up on).

Anyway, Act of Treason was awesome.  It was a CIA Thriller, not unlike the t.v. show 24.  We watched all 8 seasons of that show and thoroughly loved it.  And Mitch Rapp is exactly like Jack Bauer.  Rather I should say, that Jack Bauer is Mitch Rapp.  They're the exact same guy and I loved it.

Unforunately, having watched 24 before reading this book, the only way I could picture Mitch Rapp was like Jack Bauer, though he's not described to look like him at all.

The story was really quite amazing.  I also enjoyed the fact that one of the main characters that assists in uncovering the insidious "act" is a woman who is the Director of the Counterterrorism Center of the CIA.  And in a wonderful way, the book doesn't end in the fashion I was worried it would.  It ended quite well.

They're very well written.  And Flynn is not afraid of dropping a few f-bombs.  Refreshing, since 24 was a network show and the worst they'd say was "DAMMIT!"

At least they didn't constantly ask "WHERE ARE THEY?!"

Anyway, good book.  Very good read.  Going to read Protect and Defend next.

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