Monday, October 29, 2012


I don't know who to vote for.

Fo realz.

No clue.

I want to believe Obama can turn this country around.  But just the concept of this voting-between-shitty-and-shittier is so tired and old.  I don't want to play in to that system anymore.  And all I see happening to him is cockblock after cockblock by the right-wing crazies that have their pockets lined by big oil companies and other major corporations.

I want to vote for Jill Stein.  But I don't want my vote to be wasted.  And it feels as though it will be if I vote for her (Green party).  But I love her stance on almost every single one of her policies.  This page sums it up.

I'm extremely pleased that there is a politician out there that thinks a.) the two party system sucks, b.) the electoral college sucks and c.) Citizens United sucks.

But what if the worst situation happens: I vote for Jill Stein and (obviously my one vote won't cause this to happen) Mitt Romney wins.  NOFX said it best "The President is laugh 'cause we voted for Nader."

Maybe Romney won't be so terrible?  I think he will be.  I think women will lose a ton of ground in our health care and what is covered by insurance.  I also think we will lose our bodily autonomy and no one will ever be allowed to have an abortion again, nor will we be allowed to have recreational sex (i.e. use birth control) because Romney's camp seem to believe that people should only have sex to procreate and that every sperm/egg is sacred.

Obama or Stein?  I don't know what to do.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Life at Conception

Alright this is going to be a sticky subject but I have a few very specific thoughts on abortion that I want to get straight before I confuse myself again.

Abortion.  I wouldn't do it unless I was raped or the baby's existence inside me was a huge threat to my life. Because 1.) I don't want the result of my rape walking around reminding me that I was raped, 2.) there are enough kids in foster care as it is (as well as poor hungry children in the rest of the world) and 3.) I can make another baby that I actually want with my husband.

However, I can understand why a woman can justify an abortion from an unplanned pregnancy.  Look at in terms of timelines:  Timeline A exists without Baby.  You have no idea what that baby will do or become or say or think or anything else.  It's all circumstantial.  Timeline B exists with that baby and they have grown in to a wonderful human being and they wrote a symphony and they are a premier composer/conductor in a major orchestra.  Yay!

You cannot know what that clump of cells will equate to 30 fucking years from now.  Alright?  Get over that.  You are being way too prophetic if the reason you get up in arms about abortion is because future potential.  Everyone has potential and a lot of people waste it, I don't hear you griping about those people?  I had potential and wasted it but I made it out alright!

You cannot tell a pregnant woman that she is killing a "life" when she is having an abortion.  Life, to me, isn't the existence of a bunch of cells or even the semblance of a baby within a womb.  You cannot bitch about all the things that that baby will never get to do anymore because, guess what, you don't know what the fuck that baby would get to do!  Evar!  It doesn't work that way!

My friend once said "I don't know, I wouldn't be happy if my mom aborted me."

Shut up you fucking retard!  If your mom aborted you, NONE OF US WOULD KNOW.  Timeline B, the one we're in right now with you in it, would cease to exist and Timeline A, the one with out you, would be reality and we would be none the wiser.  And nobody would know or be aware of the lack of your existence because you never existed to begin with.  You never did any of these things you've done the last 26 years, so it would not matter.

But what about the potential you're destroying?

You're not a prophet.  You cannot say what this baby will accomplish in life, at all, to any degree of certainty.

There.  That's where my argument comes from for making abortion completely legal.  It is up to the woman and her physician (and the father of said baby, expect for rape and incest, then that fucker gets no say) if an abortion is right for her/them.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Freedom of Speech and Anonymity

I've been caught up in the recent outing of Reddit scumbag Violentacrez, legal name Michael Brutsch.  I'm kind of panicking, internally, about what has been going down on Reddit.

To give you the simplest version of how Reddit operates (for those unaware, as I was originally), it goes a little bit like this:

People can create any little subpage they want, with whatever content they want, as long as it's legal.  The rules of Reddit are pretty simple.  No doxing other users, no illegal pr0nz (child porn), and don't fuck the website up so that it crashes.

Basically, this allows users to create subpages (subreddits) on fucking anything.  Porn is abundant on this site.  And that's fine.  As long as it's not child porn.

Violentacrez clung to his anonymity to do two things, 1.) Annoy the shit out of people, a.k.a. trolling, and 2.) post extremely questionable content.  Some of his subreddits include things like r/Jailbait (sexualized images of clothed underaged girls), r/Chokeabitch, r/Picsofdeadkids, r/RapeJokes, r/Creepshots etc.  The list goes on.

r/Jailbait and r/Creepshots are the two that bothered me the most (sad, I know).  These two subreddits featured clothed women and girls (level of clothing varies, but usually the women were mostly clothed, shoulders to ass cheeks with cleavage displayed).  Jailbait exclusive posted clothed underage girls in an extremely sexualized fashion.  Creepshots had women of various ages (underage and above) featured, but was typically focused on the ass or boobs of the subject.  These images were typically done in a public place; a student teacher at a high school was fired for doing this in his school, taking pictures of underage girls' boobs and butts (completely clothed) and posting them on Creepshots for other people to ogle.

Two things bother me about this:

1.) The people taking these photos and lauding them about hide behind their anonymity because they know what they're doing is socially unacceptable.  They cling tenaciously to their anonymity but disregard the anonymity and privacy of these women they photograph and post.

2.) Apparently, nobody can expect any level of privacy in terms of their bodies being photographed in a sexualized manner if they are out in public.  I did not know this.

That could mean there are pictures of me, of my cleavage, of my butt in my jeans, floating around the internet and people fapping to it.

I'm not okay with that.  At all.  It creeps me the fuck out.

But it's not illegal.  So there's nothing I can do about it.  The only thing I can actually do is publicly call these people out and strip them of their anonymity as they have done to the women they've photographed.  Public shaming does wonders.

Case in point, Michael Brutsch got fired because his subreddit content is socially unacceptable.  He didn't care about the anonymity of the subjects in the photos he shared on his subreddits, and yet cried like a bitch when he was outed.

I watched a CNN interview with him.  He apologized profusely for making a mistake.  What does that sound like to me?  "I'm sorry I got caught."  What a load of horseshit.  This guy is despicable.  He parades around the 1st amendment (which does NOT apply to the area in which he was posting; it reads "Congress shall make no law" not "Nobody shall make no rules", fuckwads.  Private companies can make any rules they want about what content is displayed on their website).  And he clings tenaciously to his anonymity when he gives not a shit about the women in these photos.

Another reasoning of his for posting these images is that they were already posted some place else on the internet.  So the fuck what, that doesn't make it socially acceptable you douchenozzle.

I'm irate.  I'm sick of this mentality of "Internetz keep me anonymous!"  The only reason you talk big is because there's a monitor and so many miles of separation between you and your audience.  If you had been in public with these people, you'd turn your habits inward and nobody would know about them.

I can attest to this behavior.  I knew a handful of people on the interwebz, through World of Warcraft, that were absolute jerks through that medium.   In fact, I thought my now-husband was a giant asshole.  Then I met him in person and he was a very sweet and shy kind of nerd.  Just like me.

I also met a handful of the rest of them.  There were a few people that were nice to chat with, and they were even more fun to hang out with in person.  But the jerkwads were completely different people in person.  They were fun, hilarious, and super cool people.

Get them back behind the monitor with a mic and they would say some of the most disgusting and vitriolic things I've ever heard.  Even when their anonymity had been removed, they still managed to turn in to jackasses again once they had many miles and the internet in between them and their audience.  Baffling.

The lack of personal responsibility Brutsch has for his actions is appalling.  Look, I don't know how many of you know this (in that all of five people probably read my blog), but I used to take nudies of myself and post them on amateur pr0nz sites.  I loved the attention.  My self-worth, at the time, was pretty much attached to that approval I was getting on the interwebz.

Meh.  I don't regret it.  Shit, I had fun at the time.  I was young, impressionable, and naive.  Then I grew up. Oh well.  It's in my past, I learned from it.  I no longer attach my self-worth to this kind of thing.  But I fucking admit to the fact that I did it.  And if anybody ever asked me about it, I'd admit it.  A lot of people find what I did extremely unacceptable behavior for a young lady.  Well, sorry, I don't know what to tell you.  I was a fucked up teenager and had validation issues.  I'm a better human being now and learned from that experience.

But Brutsch couldn't do that.  He couldn't just say, "Yes, I know what I did was socially unacceptable and I have to be held accountable for the things I said and did because of that.  I knowingly did these things that upset people and are perverted and disgusting.  However, I am not sorry for doing them.  But I will not do them any longer because of the fact that it has totally screwed up my life and I need to get my shit together to be a contributing member of society."  He just said "I'm sorry I made a mistake."  Most non-sincere apology in the history of apologies.  He might as well just have said "I'm sorry you got offended, BUT free speech, yo," or "But Reddit let me do it and I got addicted, so it's a mental disorder just like alcoholism."

It's your fault you got offended by the content, and it's Reddit's fault for letting him do this for so long.


Grow the fuck up, grow a pair, and own your shit.  It stinks just like everyone else's.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Too Long, Again

That's what she said.

Okay, just kidding.

The month leading up to and the week of the wedding prevented me from forming any coherent thoughts.  I think I finished a book during that time and totally did not post about it.  I'll figure out if that's true or not.


The pictures, ceremony, and reception were amazing.  So many people, so much love, and so much happiness.  It was a truly wonderful day.

Except that it took too fucking long.

I woke up at 6am.  I laid there and stared at the ceiling for ten minutes hoping to fall back asleep for just another 45 minutes before I had to get up and do a bunch of shit.

Nope, I got up and proceeded to start the day off right with a bowl of oatmeal.

Luke had helped me pack the car up the evening before he left to stay at his brother's.  So with the car already ready to go, I stopped at the grocery store to by far too many bottles of water and a bag of ice to tote around with me all day in a cooler the size of my torso.

On the way to the manor that morning, my sister texted me that her boyfriend's car had gotten broken in to.  I called her right away and ended up picking her up instead (why didn't we just plan that originally?  I'm dumb, that's why) and got to the manor at about 8am.  We brought everything inside in about an hour.  Lots of stairs.

Mom made it after a while and I drove the three of us back to my house.  Chad picked us up in the rental car and brought us to the salon.  We each had our hair done, my mom and I had make-up application, and Jessica got a mani/pedi.  We all looked purty.

Chad picked us up and brought us to the manor.  Mom and Jess changed, and then the photographer arrived.  We immediately started in on pictures; I got in to my dress, Mom and Jessica helped.  I proceeded to put on my 4" platform pump stilettos and wear them for the next 4 hours.

I saw Luke for the first time that morning after I came down the main staircase in the manor.  My parents started sobbing, and I pretty much shouted at them to shush it.  No crying allowed!

Luke had the biggest shit-eating grin on his face I'd ever seen.  I didn't really quite know what he would do when he saw me in my dress.  His lack of words said more than anything he could have ever verbally expressed.

Pictures went well.  it was a little chilly, and a bit windy, but nothing we couldn't handle.  The photographers appreciated the cloud cover, makes for better pictures.

My feet are starting to hurt after two hours in these.  At this point I'm thinking "Alright, let's just get to the damn church and get this shit over with, I'm hungry and my feet are killing me."

We head to the church.  I forget the bulletins at the manor.  Kelly, Chad's s.o., rushes to the manor and back in half an hour, just in time to have the ushers pass them out while the prelude music was wrapping up.

Prelude music consisted of:
Dearly Beloved, from Kingdom Hearts, performed by Kyle Landry in 2008 (played from a disc).
Aerith's Theme, from FFVII, played by our pianist, Kris Henry

Processional music:
Tifa's Theme, from FFVII, played by Kris Henry

Recessional Theme:
Kingdom Hearts March, from Kingdom Hearts (played form a disc).

Pastor Jim read a bit from John about love, and how love comes from God, and when you love each other, you also love God, and it changes you, and it also changes God because you love [her] in the process of loving another human.

Yeah, I can get behind that.  Love is awesome.  If there's one thing that could affect the higher power, whatever he/she/it may be, it would be love.  It's almost like this deity has a Power Bar, and the more people that love each other, the more it fills up and the more powerful it gets.

Too many people don't love others.  Actually, it's not even that.  It's that too many people hate.

Pastor Paul finished the ceremony, he didn't tell us to kiss like he said he would, just presented us to the group, and then my mom basically shouted at me to kiss Luke while everyone was clapping and the recessional music had already started.

So then we headed to the manor, and my mom got lost again.  Somehow.  I don't know how people get lost here.

Anyway, Jessica and my photographer, Ashley, bustled my dress, and I headed back down in to the party.  My family insisted on doing more organized pictures and I was ready to tear my hair out.  I changed in to my ballroom shoes, and we visited with people as they arrived (or were already there).

Dinner was wonderful.  Everyone enjoyed it.  We had a great time.  Jessica and Chad said a few things, my dad said a few things, and everyone sort of cried and laughed.

Luke and I danced our rumba to You Belong to Me by Jason Wade (from the Shrek I soundtrack).  And then my dad and I danced to All Of My Love by Led Zeppelin.  And then Luke and his mom danced to a jazz tune that was a medley of Pennsylvania 6500 and a few other songs.  We also did a garter find and Luke wore it on his arm the rest of the evening.

We proceeded to dance for a few hours, took pictures, visited, hung out, drank, ate cupcakes, etc.  It was super fun.  I eventually took my shoes off completely because my feet were killing me.

My dad took all the left over alcohol and liquor to our hours and left it all in the garage.  Chad took Luke and I to the St. Paul hotel where we spent that evening and Saturday/Saturday night there.  It was a good time.

But man, once Luke and I finally had time to ourselves it was very much wanted.  We went back down to the hotel lobby/bar and had a drink (I wore my puma sneakers because I had no other shoes and didn't want to put my heels back on) and we sat by the fire in the lobby while we drank.  I asked Luke his opinion on how the day went for him, fast or slow?  And he goes, "Uh, whoever says your wedding day goes by fast is full of crap, today went by really slow".  Maybe we had just been warned so many times about it that we were paying attention all day. :P

Back up in the room, we spent the next half hour taking my hair down.  I had about 75 bobby pins in my hair.

I'll spare you the details on what we did next.  You can figure it out.  You're not dumb.

Pretty sure I passed out within seconds of shutting off the lights.  And then for whatever retarded ass reason, I woke up at 8am.

TL;DR: Married and it was awesome.