Monday, May 16, 2011

Sansa is a Git

We'll jump straight to it ...


I hate Sansa.  And not because I'm jealous of her like Arya.  But because she's just a stupid little girl filled with all the prim and properness that would befit a princess.  I guess she sort of is a princess, and in this world of medieval accuracy, she doesn't get to learn much of the realities of life.

I'm not going to go in to detail on this chapter.  In fact, I don't think I'm going to be doing much of these super detailed summaries of each chapter anymore.  I'm going to hit on the highs and lows, and then give my afterthoughts.

Sansa, Arya and Septa Mordane (the babysitter) are to be riding with Princess Myrcella today, as they continue to venture towards King's Landing.  Arya is missing.

Through this chapter it's repeated at how wonderful Sansa always looks.  She already looks her best.  She brushed her hair out until it shone.

The girl only cares about looks.  And her head is filled with nonsense.  If she marries Joffery, and by some turn of events Joff becomes King and she ends up Queen, she'll simply be a puppet, as will Joff, while his mother, Cersei pulls at his strings.

Septa excuses Sansa and she goes out to find Arya.  She down by the banks of the river.  After arguing about Arya coming back to the wheelhouse, Sansa says about the dumbest thing she could:

"Gods be true, Arya, sometimes you act like such a child".

... she is a child.  And so are you, you fucking twat.

Sansa is merely eleven years old and Arya is only nine.  She should be running about outside getting dirty and playing with her direwolf (or poorly attempting to clean it).

Sansa leaves.  We get some more insight on the relationship between Sansa and Arya from Sansa's perspective, which really isn't all that different from Arya's.  They both dislike each other, not to the level of hate, but they are like night and day.  Very different children while only 2 years apart.

Sansa returns to the inn.  Some royal escort shows up from King's Landing to ride with them the rest of the way.  Sandor Clegane scares the crap out of Sansa because he has an ugly burned face and he's somewhat rude to her.  And then the gallant Prince Joffery stands up for her and treats her all lady like (as though she is a fragile porcelain doll and can't help herself ... because she can't since she's so stupid).

Joff offers that her and Sansa go riding after Cersei tells them to go off since she has to entertain guests.

Sansa loves riding.  (And she's also a big fat liar face because about 5 minutes ago, she just told Arya she hates riding).

They go off riding and leave their "dogs" behind (Layd and Clegane) and while riding they hear wood smacking against wood in the forest.  They ride up to a small clearing to find Arya sparring with a young boy.

Joffrey show off his true git-ness here.  He challenges the boy, Mycah from the butcher, with real steal against his wooden broomstick sword.

Things go poorly.  Arya intervenes by nailing Joff on the head with her broom stick, Mycah takes off, Arya attempts to defend herself, but doesn't do well.  Nymeria jumps in to save the day, nearly tears off Joff's arm (too bad she didn't succeed in doing so) and then runs off.  Arya throws Joff's sword into the river, and runs away.  Sansa is screaming the whole time to stop, and then tries to comfor Joff after this happens, but he is disgusted with her.  She leaves to get help and that's that.

Sansa = Twat
I hate Sansa's character and I hope she dies.  That's about it.  I have nothing much else to say about her.  She's very one-dimensional, full of fairytale fluff and prim properness that makes me want to vomit.

I'm pretty sure she won't last the entirety of this book.

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